Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It's Been Some Time

It has been almost exactly a year since my last post.  Why is it that something that gives you such a cathartic release, enjoyment, and fullfillment, is one of the first things to get tossed to the side when life gets a little crazy.  Let this be my message in clear written form, DO MORE OF WHAT YOU LOVE, if there is happiness and contentment, THE REST WILL FALL INTO PLACE.

In the last year, there has been lots of changes. I know- weird right? The last 5 years have held so many dueling dichotomys.  Pleasant-Unpleasant --- Mundane-Exciting --- Stressful-Peaceful --- Fun-Frightening---  Worry-Hopefulness --- and exactly what was meant for us.

All of Kai's therapy sessions turned into him being qualified for special ed preschool.  He goes 4 mornings a week and I cannot believe this, but next week is the official end of his first school year.  There is a vast difference between where he began and where he is now, and we are so proud of the progress he has made.  But there are still some hugely discouraging days, where it still seems like he is miles from where his peers are.  As a mom it is so hard not to compare.  Kai is one of the most loving children I've ever met and demands "five kisses" from anyone and everyone.  He notices babies crying and his heart melts for them. He is so good at distinguishing peoples emotions, and responds accordingly. And he makes us so genuinely happy.  Also, he turns 4 in just a couple weeks- How can that be?

Dan just had his one year anniversary at his new job, and is really proving himself there.  I am so proud to watch him work so hard and do so well.  Who knows what the future will bring with jobs, of all people we understand that there is no guarantee, but for now, I feel like he is right where he belongs. 

For me, I finally feel like I'm succeeding at being a wife, and a mom.  In the last few months, I have chosen to step back a bit from my job and decrease my hours at work to dedicate more time for the things that really matter.  It hasn't been totally easy financially, but when is it ever? It took me so long to finally feel like I was doing a good job and finally feel proud of my role as a mother and wife vs. being a working mom.  But it also is a huge adjustment.  For so long, I have found my worth in working and working my hardest, and I have dedicated WAY too many hours to my job.  So now, I'm trying to refocus my energy into my home and my loves.  It has been great to see good things come from that.  I guess, in a way it is just me maturing and becoming a real, living, and breathing, Mother.  Before I was just a mom- now I feel like I'm more than that.

Dan and I achieved our goal of a new home and it was a VERY stressful ride to get here.  There was months of unsureness and praying and hoping and willing it to happen, and now it has. We are so proud of the house we get to plant our family roots in and make our Home.  We have been in now for almost 5 months and we are mostly settled.  There are so many things we'd love to get done to make it feel cozy, but now we've got the time to get it done.  Like forever- Dan says we are never moving again. 

Our sweet little family is growing, maturing, and becoming more of what we want it to be.  Our life is finally in our own hands, and we feel like we are making our own choices to steer in the direction we want to go in.

We are aboard the roller coaster of life and it is a sweet sweet ride.