Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Remember the first time someone told you they love you. Think about the way it felt.  Relive the way the hair on your arms stood strait.  Dwell upon that tingly feeling at the bottom of your stomach.  Go back, and keep forever the build up as you prepared to say "I love you too."  Revive the way you felt any time you would make eye contact with that person, or heard their name, or when you saw their name on the caller id, or when you held their hand.  Everything changes when you hear those words.  Three little words that mean so much, you feel completely electric.

Words are powerful.

Remember the when the doctor told you, "You're pregnant."  The overwhelming feeling. The joy, and the fear.  Reminisce about the way you felt telling your family, your husband, or for me, my boyfriend.  Recall the excitement, the fear, the joy, and the love.  Again two words, meaningless on their own, change your entire being.  The words change the way you live your life, they change your future, they change everything.

Words are pivotal.  They hold true weight. 

Remember when you heard the words "Marry me".  Relive the feelings of pure ecstasy.  Remember the dreams that came with those two little words.  Conjure up the feeling of blessedness that accompanied those words.  Now remember the way you felt when you told that person "I do."  Again, just two little words that are used all the time, in our daily vocabulary.  Alone, they mean nothing.  But when you say them to the person you love, on that special day.  They mean everything. 

Words can be momentous.

That might be the longest introduction ever.

But my point is that words have weight to them.  Just by hearing, or saying them, can give a person an actual physical reaction.  They can cause heart rates to pound harder.  They can bring tears to your eyes.  They can make the little hairs stand strait.  Words can be crucial.  They can be major.

And your words can be the most critical part of making someone feel good.  Or bad. 

Your words, my words, they are important.  So only use them if you really mean them.  Because your words, my words they also stick.  Once they are out in the world, you cannot ever get them back.  Your words are everything.  Good or bad, they are consequential. 

Choose your words with weight.


  1. Very wise honey. Words spoken aloud are words you can never take back. Love you.

  2. Thank you for debunking the old saying "sticks and stone can break my bones, but word will never hurt me". Sometimes I'd rather be hit with sticks and stones, than with someones words! That is a pain that can last forever. Lyndsey you are an amazing Lady! Love you, Aunt Mary
