Thursday, October 13, 2011

truths and thoughts.

Hello friends, its been a while.  The truth is, almost every day I sit down to write, thinking that I have all these great ideas, and once that little cursor starts to blink at me, all those great ideas suddenly seem kind of stupid.  So, I'm sorry to leave you hanging.  I'm sure you are all sitting on the edge of your seats waiting. Ha, delusion.


1. Kai and I built his first fort yesterday.  We spent a couple hours watching movies, eating chips, and playing with his super cool baby toolbox.  The songs that stupid thing sings are still stuck in my head.  It made me feel like I had a big kid, then I realized my someday big kid probably won't want mom playing in his fort.

2. We didn't win powerball last night.  I actually couldn't sleep Tuesday night, because I stayed up fantasizing about what I would do with 50 some million dollars.  I had plans, and for some reason I truly believe this would be Dan and I's big break.  There's that delusion again.  I probably checked the powerball website 30 plus times yesterday thinking that the drawing happened at 10am.  When I couldn't find the winning numbers, I then googled what time and channel I could watch the live drawing.  When I couldn't find that, I realized that maybe it happened at 10pm.  I had fantasized calling Dan saying we had won... "YOU CAN QUIT!!!!" Better luck next time.

3. I'm working hard on my laundry.  After reading one of my old posts in which I complain endlessly about the never ending chore, my mother-in-law made the trek up the mountain to help me start fresh.  That's the thing about chores, they get way too overwhelming if you don't keep up with them regularly.  Kay helped me go through storage closets, cupboards, dressers, and we started fresh.  We made nearly 30 trips to the community dumpster purging all of the previous tenant's crap, and all of our un-needed mess.  She taught me a few tricks about how she keeps up with it all.  We went to Walmart, and spent almost $90 on new cleaning products.  And I am proud to say, I have kept up with it all.  No longer, is the laundry room a torture dungeon and I even take pride in all the chores I accomplish during the day.

4. We're sticking it out for another long winter high in the mountain-tops.  I'm trying to keep positive about this, because I know it is just as hard for Dan.  While it is completely monotonous for me to sit at home, inside, trying not to freeze, and taking care of Kai every day, Dan has to venture out into the cold every day, to go to work at a place that he hates.  I am hoping the Lucas inn makes a comeback this season for all of our friends and family to visit.  With more bodies, we can share body warmth and make it through the snowy season.


1.  I want to become one of those moms that plans more hands on activities and structured playtime for Kai.  I just struggle making that change.  So often, I find myself putting Kai in the middle of the room with a whole slew of toys and let him go crazy.  I need to figure out different activities that I can do with a 16 month old.  I want to be one of those moms.  It is something that I struggle with though. 

2.  I want to become one of those families.  I want to have traditions.  I want to plan fun things for the weekends.  I want to have dinner around the table.  I want to have cute fall centerpieces.  So often, on the weekends, we fall into this lax routine of sleeping in, planting ourselves on the couch, and eating junk food.  That is all fabulous every now and then.  But I want to make memories.  I want to go to the pumpkin patch.  I want to go on a hay ride.  I want to do things.  Its hard up here though.  By the time the work week is over, we are both tired, and our energy is low. But it is my hope that someday we'll make the transition.  I tell myself though, that when Kai gets a little older it will be easier.  Does anybody have ideas on traditions or activities we can do right now?

3.  I am a bit delusional.  Call it being naive or dumb or whatever.  But I kind of like it. I like believing there is a big cloud of rainbows surrounding my life.  I like believing I'm going to win the HGTV green home.  I like believing I'm going to win the lottery.  Because if you don't truly believe its already yours, whats the point of ever entering the contest?

truths and thoughts... what are yours?

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