Sunday, August 14, 2011


friends. family. babies. doggies. bouncy castles. community.

We are blessed to live in such a wonderful place. A true resort town.  People travel crazy distances to get here, which makes us incredibly lucky to live and work here. 

A new baby, a new marriage, and 106 miles away from anybody familiar.  Moving anywhere new for a job transfer can be hard.  But the whirlwind couple years we have had mixed with a big move, extra hard.  And the thing I miss most is feeling a sense of community.

Don't get me wrong, life in Vail is great.  The summer up here is the best.  And the year spent away from our friends and family has done wonders for Dan and I to make our family unit strong.  We have spent a year relying on only each other and our sweet little boy.  It has been hard at times but so worth it.
sweet,  peaceful, Kai

But living in a place crowded with thousands of tourists, and hundreds of languages, is very isolating for me. There are very few locals here and it has been very hard for us to find a group we fit into.  Being young parents, we are not here for the party, ski bum scene.  And we are most definitely not here for a rich, luxurious retirement. In moving here, we have lost our fellowship and community.

But on Sundays. Ahhhhhh Sundays, we get the Farmer's Market.  This pompous, high class resort, gets overtaken by barbeque stands, fresh peaches, strollers, toy trains, bouncy castles, families, dogs, art, kids, and silly jazzy music.  It gets overtaken by community. And. I. Love. It.

  On Sundays, there is a true feeling of a neighborhood here.  A feeling of sameness for me. Of Company and friendships.

Community.  It's beautiful. Isn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Lyndsey, Crystal said you should write a book?? Maybe. But for now, this is beautiful!
