Wednesday, August 24, 2011

evanescent moments.

My plan for today, was to finish my story.  The last chapter in my journey to becoming a mother.
I'm sitting here looking at a blank screen, the cursor just blinking over and over at me.
That was the plan, but today, I feel compelled to write something different.

I read a lot of blogs daily, and have recently come across a very thought provoking and deeply important idea. Jennie from In Jennie's Kitchen has been dealing with uncontrollable, and earth-shattering grief.   Her husband Mikey died unexpectedly from a heart attack.  One day he was dancing around the living room with his young daughter, laughing, Jennie standing there recording this special moment between father and daughter.  And the next day, he was gone.  I don't know Jennie, or her family, but I have heard stories like this before.

Those sweet special moments- dancing barefoot around the kitchen- the first time Kai learns to give hugs- the smiles from your baby when you enter the room- they are all so easy to take for granted.  In one moment, they could all disappear.

I am reminded today to be thankful for every minute I get to spend with friends and family.  I am reminded that these moments don't always last.  I am reminded to love with  my whole heart.  I am reminded to tell people how I feel about them.  I am reminded to not take my life or my families lives for granted.

Today, I am going to stop taking things for granted, and learn to take them with gratitude.

So many of the best moments, are evanescent, they are here and gone with the blink of an eye.  They are like the cursor blinking over and over at me right now.  Today I am grateful, for these moments.  Are you?

"When it comes to life, the critical thing, is whether you take things for granted, or take the with gratitude." -G.K. Chesterton

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