Thursday, August 11, 2011

Just. Be.

Today is one of those days.  My sweet boy will not stop crying.  Cutting teeth.  One of those days, as moms, you wish you could just take all the pain away.  One of those days that at any given moment, I too, might not be able to stop crying.  How is it that he still looks so dang sweet with tears streaming down his face?

I am tired.  I have a killer headache.  But I just must be.  Be a mom. Be a motivator. Be a shoulder.  Be a friend.  Be. Be. Be. Be. Today I am having a hard time being.  But the show must go on. Its not over until the fat lady sings.

So, I will Be Positive.  I will Be Great. And I will find the beauty in this hard day.

pink toenails in the river.

The beauty beside me today is my sweet son. And the fact that there is always a tomorrow.

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