Tuesday, August 16, 2011

unaware. in the night time.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does the tree still fall?

The same logic can be used for whatever might happen at night time, while the world sleeps.

While we are all drifting sweetly into dream land, does the world outside our window carry on? Do things still happen in the enveloping darkness? It is easy to get swept away into a deep slumber, and believe that the only thing truly happening in this world, is the up and down, rhythmic breathing of your chest.

The answer, is, as I found out last night, yes.  As I am hibernating for the night, the world does carry on.

I guess I should explain a little.

Three or four months ago, as the weather started to turn warm up here, we allowed our Bengal cat, Mowgli, to become an indoor/outdoor animal. Little did we know he would become so obsessed with being outside that he would meow incessantly to be let outside at all times of the day and night. Tired of being pestered by our very persistant pet, we decided just to leave a window open for him to get in and out of.

Fast forward to last Wednesday. The window is still open and our once cuddly family pet, is now more like a rude roommate who only comes home to be fed.  Literally he takes two bites from his bowl, and is off on his merry way again.  Sometimes not coming home for days, doing Lord only knows what.  But that is all besides the point.

Kai and I were in the middle of something very productive and important (probably mindlessly watching Blues Clues) and in from the window, scurries a very disgusting, and fast little mouse. I screamed and jumped on top of the couch, making Kai giggle.  And that revolting creature ran right under the couch and off behind the day bed, where I have been sleeping mind you.  Owning a Bengal cat does have its perks though.  You see he is mixed with an Asian Leopard.  Part wild. Ferocious. And very good at hunting. So I hid his food for the day, shut the window, and trapped him in the living room.  It only took him a few hours of chasing, meowing taunting, and literally scaring the poop out of, to trap and devour our foul little friend.  I saved the carcass for Dan to clean up when he got home, I definitely wasn't going to touch it.  Who knows what sort of creepy crawly diseases that thing might be festering. Dan put the trash bag remains out on the porch with the rest of the trash in the house to be hauled to the community dumpster the next morning.

I have a point I promise.  Ask anyone that knows me, I just like to get every last detail out when telling a story.

The next morning when Dan left for work, he found the trash bag split open and trash thrown everywhere all over our porch and grass. What had happened that night while we were all zzzzzzzzzzz's? Dan thought maybe a dog was trying to get at the bacon grease or something, I thought at the very most, maybe a raccoon was hungry.

Well last night, I set out the kitchen trash, knowing that if I set it outside the door, my wonderful and helpful hubby would be more likely to walk it to the dumpsters.

Our bedroom has been terribly hot the past month or so, so Dan and I have taken up residence in our basement living room.  (the scene of the mouse homicide).  Dan sleeps on the couch, and I on the daybed in the corner.  Last night I pulled back the comforter and found a giant 8 legged little furry creature.  That was all I needed to scream yet again, and decide I will sleep naked, with a fan, by myself, in a blazing hot room, if it will keep me away from anymore nauseating beasts.  

With a kiss goodnight, I left Dan in the creature dungeon and went to sleep upstairs.  It wasn't long until I floated off to neverland and left the world to sleep.

At about 2am I was awakened by a loud crash and drag sound. Could Kai really be old enough to climb out of his crib already? Was someone in the house? Dan is all the way in the basement. Where is my shot gun?


Our night time trash thief was back.  I could hear everything loud.  The porch directly below the bedroom window. I was gonna check this thing out.  I ran down the stairs threw open the front door, and OH MY LORD!!!

Reality x2

Our little annoying raccoondog was actually a big brown bear.  Brown Bear or Grizzly Bear? I don't know but it's fur definitely brown. And he was big. And he was four feet away from me on my front porch digging through a pile of coffee grounds.  Great now he is on a caffeine high too.

Back inside. Slam the door. Safer here. Wake Dan. Look out the window. Bear Gone. 

My point with all this, is that yes, while we are all sleeping in the darkest deepest part of the night, the world continues.  While our bodies all shut down and the moon and stars grace us with their presence, the world outside our front doors never rests. Makes me feel very small.  I am such a minute little creature on this vast never stopping earth.  I love it.  Puts things into perspective. Its beautiful.

A couple Editors Notes.

number one. I cannot take credit for the pictures in this post. it is day time right now and the moon is not out.  so thank you google images for beautiful pictures of the night sky.

number two. I am going to set out trash again when its ready (maybe tomorrow?) and hope that my thief comes back. I would love to snap a picture. Baiting? maybe, but really its a bear on my porch.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you shouldn't actually try to tempt the bear with more trash? I don't want the "world outside" coming in to your quiet house of peaceful rest. :)
