Wednesday, August 24, 2011


When writing this blog, I feel it is necessary to make a few promises to my readers.

Number one- I believe that there are some very powerful, pretty words.  And I like to use them in my writing.  I like my writing to be a bit flowery.  However, I promise to never flower up my writing to the point of writing something untrue.  I will always tell things exactly how I remember them, and not change details in order to pretty up the story.

Number two- I promise that I will stay accountable for my writing.  If at any point in this blog, my memory fails me, I would like my readers to call me out.  Everything that I write is true to me and to my heart and from my perspective.  But sometimes, some of the details get a little clouded.  I blame my sometimes fleeting memory on being a mother to a very active little man.

~So, with those promises made, I must clear up a few little details about the last post.~

  It seems, my dates are wrong.  I think the correct timing was that Dan and I went to Mexico a week later, and I told my mom about my pregnancy before we left. When I told her, I remember her being very upset.  And most of that feeling I perceived because she just wasn't really talking a whole lot. I was crying, (it was hard not to those first few weeks).  I did tell her to imagine how I scared I must be.  Our conversation didn't last that long because my mom had to leave for work.  And I remember it being a few days before she came to terms with the fact that this wasn't a problem she could take away for me.  And she got behind me, helping me figure out the insurance issue. 

Back then, I really felt like I didn't have my mother's support in those first few days.  But I realize now, it was just her dealing with it in her own way. The same way I had to deal with it the day I found out.  It is a hard thing to swallow, that your youngest daughter is pregnant.  And I believe looking back on it now, my mom handled it as gracefully as possible.  And after coming to terms with my pregnancy, she became my biggest support, and I turned to her with every question I had.  Thanks mom.

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